- Agents will now receive a
pop-up alert
if another agent has selected the same county.
- Agents can now
filter their mailing list
by selecting which quarter of the year consumers turn 65.
- A
new postcard template
has been added to the toolkit.
CleanShot 2024-05-16 at 09
🔄 Updates
  1. Getting Started with Medicare Presentation
  • A new
    "Getting Started with Medicare"
    presentation has been added to the
    page inside your Vault.
  1. Navigation Improvements
  • The
    tab has been relocated under your dashboard's
    dropdown for easier access.
  1. Event Management Enhancement
  • The
    "Copy RSVP List"
    button is now enabled on the
    "Manage Events"
    page if consumers have RSVP'd for your event.
  • Clicking this button will copy all attendee emails into a
    comma-separated list
    for quick sharing.
  1. New "Additional Services" Section
  • We've added
    "Additional Services"
    under the
    dropdown. This section provides access to
    commercial filming, professional headshots, and more
    marketing services.
CleanShot 2024-05-16 at 10
🛠 Fixes
  1. Agency Location Data
  • Resolved an issue where agency location data was not saving correctly.
  1. Medicare Pro Site Display
  • Adjusted text sizes to ensure
    proper display on all screen sizes
  1. Event Creation Error
  • Fixed an issue where
    location data was not being sent to Eventbrite
    when creating an event.